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Showing posts from September 25, 2017


Narrative Paradigm by EBALE & SERAPION The Narrative Paradigm Theory talks about how human beings are story-telling animals. We favor stories over hard facts and evidences. Humans reason based on science, history and personal values. In this theory, there are two individuals involved. The first would be the story-teller or the narrator and the second would be the listener or the audience. The narrator tells a story to the audience and the audience listens to the story. The objective of the narrator is to present his/her story in a way that the audience can easily understand. On the other hand, the objective of the audience is to verify whether or not the story is legitimate and genuine. Q1. What are the main principles/points of Narrative Paradigm? The main principles are coherence and fidelity. When you talk about coherence in the Narrative Paradigm Theory, this talks about how easily understandable the story is. The story should be easily understandable and