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Showing posts from September, 2017


Narrative Paradigm by EBALE & SERAPION The Narrative Paradigm Theory talks about how human beings are story-telling animals. We favor stories over hard facts and evidences. Humans reason based on science, history and personal values. In this theory, there are two individuals involved. The first would be the story-teller or the narrator and the second would be the listener or the audience. The narrator tells a story to the audience and the audience listens to the story. The objective of the narrator is to present his/her story in a way that the audience can easily understand. On the other hand, the objective of the audience is to verify whether or not the story is legitimate and genuine. Q1. What are the main principles/points of Narrative Paradigm? The main principles are coherence and fidelity. When you talk about coherence in the Narrative Paradigm Theory, this talks about how easily understandable the story is. The story should be easily understandable and

My comment is...

Message Design Logic Analysis  on Millennials and their placards by EBALE & SERAPION Here is the link of the post: The post titled “Millennials and their placards” was written by the Philippine Star on September 21 at 8:21 pm. This was about how the so called “millennials” showed how they feel about the current administration of President Rodrigo Duterte through creatively written placards during the anti-Duterte protest in Luneta Park, Manila on Thursday in light of the 45th martial law anniversary. A lot of reactions and comments were posted. Most of the comments were coming from the supporters of the government or also known as Dutertards.  Some reactions were coming from the Marcos apologists and the so called Yellowtards who are Liberal party supporters. And last were the intellectuals who come from different universities and sectoral groups. “Me

Communication Traditions

Lady Gaga is known for her controversial clothing and it is known for a fact that she doesn’t wear it just for the sake of it; there is meaning attached to it. Later, we will discuss it more using the Semiotic Tradition. As individuals, we see different images and impressions everyday. Sometimes these things lead us to create our own reality. However, how do we interpret or process these things? In conducting researches, we use different communication traditions to serve as instruments in looking for answers. These traditions are made to help explain different concepts and perspectives. Through these traditions, broad characteristics of communication and their applications will be understood to individuals and the society. So, we present to you the following traditions of communication: we have Rhetorical, Semiotic, Cybernetic, Phenomenological, Socio-psychological, Socio-cultural and Critical traditions. We will discuss how these traditions function and what possibl