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A Movie Review on “Where the Wild Things Are” Using the lens of Critical Theory

A Movie Review on
“Where the Wild Things Are”
Using the lens of Critical Theory


Things from him and them

“Learning from the people we meet helps us become better people” is one of the lessons we can ponder on in the movie directed by Spike Jonze in 2009 entitled, “Where the Wild Things Are.” The movie is about a lonely young boy named “Max” who escaped from his family. Max ran away from home because he got in a heated argument with his mother. In his journey away from home, he unexpectedly found himself on an island after a huge storm at sea and in this island, Max met these so called “Wild Things.” He introduced new ideas to these creatures that were human-like, giant animals that have weird features. These wild things completely accepted the new ideas of Max because they believed that he was their king. They believed that he is the king that will lead them to have a greater life. Big houses were built, new activities were performed but these ideas introduced by the boy came on as really strange to the Wild Things. Max taught wisdoms about life and gave the wild things some techniques on warfare. In his stay on the island, Max learned that these creatures gave importance to the value of love, respect and relationships (among families and friends) which made him realize that he should have been respecting his mother too. The wild things embraced what their king made known to them.

The conflict of the story is that the group’s head named Carol got mad at Max because he was expecting him to act like a king and to make the place a better one but things weren’t exactly on track. He also found out that Max being a king from wherever he originated from was not really true. Everyone was dismayed. In the end, Max chose to leave the island and he returned back home. He regrets how he treated his mother. He realized that his mother is someone who needs to be respected and regarded as a parent no matter what. From being a boy who doesn’t respect his parent, he became a son who knows how to value and respect people. 

On Post-Colonialism

Post-colonialism refers to the manifestation and the effects of colonization by a colonizer in a specific country. As a critical theory, it examines the effects of colonial rule and its various influences on the colony.
The Philippine culture is one example. You can notice the influence of the countries that colonized it hundred years ago. For an instance is how our churches, plaza and schools are arranged in our community. It was inspired of the Spanish style that still exists today. One more example is our education and political system.  These are introduced to us by the Americans and these are still used today.

Max: colonizer; Wild things: colonized

In the movie, Max’ arrival and his whole stay in the island transformed the community of the Wild Things. Max being the colonizer, came from another land and happened to find himself at the island of the so-called Wild Things. He was an outsider who became the king of the island. He was believed to be the “King” who will make the lives of the Wild Things better. Like a “colonizer”, Max had new ideas that were strange for these Wild Things and when he introduced these to them, the Wild Things became the “colonized” and it made a huge impact on their lives. They had a simple world until Max came to their land and became the king. New things and ideas were introduced and slowly but surely, these Wild Things were getting influenced. Building houses, creating techniques on warfare, having a concept of day and night, and playing new recreational activities were the manifestations of how Max transformed their life. In the end of the story, Max left the island. The Wild Things were sad because Max was leaving the island but everything that Max has taught the Wild Things will surely remain because it somehow became beneficial for them. These changes manifested in the lives of the Wild Things served as the effects of being colonized by Max.
Learning from the people we meet helps us become better persons is one of the lessons we can realized from the movie. This is proven in the story when Max realized from the wild things the value of respect and love towards parents. On the other hand, using the framework of post-colonialism, we learned that Max also made known new things to the wild things. His presence brought change to the life of wild things by giving them new ideas that would help them have a better living. The aftermath of his presence gives an impact to their lives. Perhaps, people come and go. But they will leave us something that will remind us of them

On Post-Structuralism

Post-Structuralism talks about there is no one definite meaning for one text. There are different interpretations made by different people.
In the movie, Max arrived at the island and he met these Wild Things. He introduced himself as a “King” from the land he came from. Now, Max and the Wild things have different definitions of what a “King” is and this was evident as the movie progressed. Carol’s definition of a King is someone who can unite them. On the other hand, Max sees a king as someone who rules over the people and holds very terrifying power. Carol was upset that the way Max ruled was different from the way he thought he would rule. He thought that Max could unite everyone but that didn’t happen. Max on the other hand wanted to help the Wild Things with his ideas and the way he wants things to be done but in the end, it just wasn’t what the Wild Things wanted.

On Post-Marxism

Post-Marxism refers to how there are social inequalities in the state and how we should eliminate these inequalities in order to achieve social change. In the story, Max tried to make the relationships of the Wild Things good. He wanted to bridge the gaps between them. Max did his role of being a king and he was followed by these creatures although, in the process, Max was accused of picking sides because of his relationship with Carol and K.W. The Wild Things thought that this was unfair and it didn’t well. Carol doubted Max and K.W. didn’t trust Max. In the end of the story, they still misunderstood each other and things didn’t progress. Issues on the relationships of the Wild Things still exist. In post-Marxism, we are trying to eradicate inequalities in order to achieve unity and create change.


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